Pray for the unreached Indian Ocean Islanders
Each island has its own distinctive people group, with their own language, culture and beliefs, but all practise some form of Islam.
These beautiful tropical islands are 99.9% Muslim and for security reasons we refer to this area as the Indian Ocean Islands rather than naming individual islands. Islam is deeply rooted on these islands and to be an islander is to be a Muslim. There are a small number of believers on each island but many follow Jesus secretly for fear of rejection and persecution.
Political instability and a lack of natural resources has left these islands underdeveloped, and all our teams serve islanders in areas such as education and medical work. The work is slow, but God is building his church here, and we wait in faith for the day when we see small groups of believers springing up across the islands, worshipping God in their own language, strong and unified, boldly speaking of the hope that they have to all around them!
Each island has its own distinctive people group, with their own language, culture and beliefs, but all practise some form of Islam.
We asked Amelia to share what she has learnt about sharing her faith over the 13 years she has lived on an island in the Indian Ocean, and how important it is to understand other people’s faith before sharing your own.
F* shares why he is serving as an English teacher on an Indian Ocean Island and the challenges and joys it brings as he seeks to share the gospel.
Could you teach English on an Indian Ocean Island, and get to know people in order to build relationships and share the Gospel with the unreached Shibushi people?
We want to see reproducing, indigenous churches throughout the Indian Ocean Islands. We want to see these built and the local church empowered.
My family and I started our missionary work in the islands off the coast of East Africa and stayed there for 10 years. Our hearts were for the Islanders, to make disciples among them and to see churches planted. Heavily Islamic, the islands were almost totally void of Christians and churches. Except for the Malagasies.