Meet new member, David*

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Our newest member, David*, shares how God gave him a heart for the unreached. His name has been changed for security reasons as he will be serving in North Africa.

Although I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home where I was taught the truth of God’s word and had many godly examples, I didn’t know Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. For years I was what you’d call a Sunday Christian, going to church, saying the right things, but living the rest of the week my way, by my rules. I cared far more about pleasing my friends than pleasing God.

Sending our best

Tim, David’s* pastor at Newtown Evangelical Church, talks about the role that the church community has played in equipping and supporting David in mission:

It has been a great joy to the church here in Newtown to see David come to faith and grow in grace. It’s an inspiration to many to see his real heart for the lost, both locally and across the world. He has learnt from others in the church who also have a burden for the unreached, and have gone out ahead of him. We see that it is the privilege of local churches to send out their best to bring the good news of Jesus to those who haven’t heard of him (think of Paul and Barnabas). So, sending David and supporting him is a real privilege.

We will be doing what we can to support David financially, prayerfully and emotionally, but we have learned from the book of Acts that churches partnered together in supporting those who went out, so we will be approaching other churches we are in fellowship with to join with us in supporting David too.”

In my late teens God convicted me about this double life I was trying to live. He showed me more of the depths of my sin but also more of the depths of his love and grace. I experienced a time of darkness, looking inwards, struggling with the assurance of my salvation. But I was helped to stop looking at myself so much and to look to Christ ‘the author and perfecter of our faith’, (Hebrews 12:2), ‘who became sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God’ (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Not just about me

During this time when God was showing me my own spiritual need, I also learnt more about the needs across the world. Specifically those of the unreached, who have not only not heard the gospel, but at the moment have little or no opportunity to do so. I learnt how millions of people are unreached and living without hope, and it is clear in God’s word that salvation is found in Christ alone, there is no other option.

I heard about AIM and their focus on reaching the unreached among Africa’s people groups, and that they were seeking to see new groups engaged and reached with the gospel. My longing was to be able to help in sharing the gospel with those who haven’t had the opportunity to hear. In Africa, the mainly Islamic North has the largest number of unreached people groups, but access to these countries can be difficult. When I first applied to AIM it looked unlikely that I’d be able to go to North Africa. Since then God has worked in wonderful ways and a door has been opened for me to be able to serve in North Africa for two years. What a wonderful privilege it is to be an ambassador of Christ, whether at home or abroad. I’m currently working as an electrician and, praise God, I have opportunities to share the love of Christ with others at work, as well as many opportunities to share the gospel through church outreach and meeting with others, including those from different people groups.

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