Lesotho Shepherds team update

Newly arrived and living on the Lesotho-South Africa border, the Williamson family have sent this up-date on the Shepherds TIMO Team:

‘As a family we’re getting used to many new things: schools, language, church, friends and rising early! The TIMO Shepherding team, starting in September, has four courageous men signed up, including Chris Klompas from the UK, and potentially three more interested. After experiencing an epic thunderstorm, lasting seven hours and power being cut off, the reality of this team’s boldness and faithfulness in reaching souls, despite the hazards, has become very apparent.’

Chris Klompas from Spalding Baptist Church, Lincolnshire is one of seven preparing to go and work amongst the unreached Lesotho Shepherds. He says…

“I’m greatly encouraged and motivated by the knowledge that people have been praying for this mission trip for many years.”

Designed for me…

I first heard about the Lesotho team at an ‘Into Africa’ day at the AIM offices in Nottingham. At the time I was interested in joining a TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) team. After hearing about Lesotho, the details of the mission trip and the people they were looking for to join the team, I remember going home feeling ‘psyched’, as though this mission trip was specifically designed for me!

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Climbing mountains

I received God’s call for mission in 2010, at which point I went to Faith Mission Bible College. There, I learned more about the need for world mission and specifically in Africa. God has kept the fire for mission burning in my heart.

Preparations are now underway for me to go to Lesotho. Though I feel a bit out of my depth at times, when looking ahead at what needs to be done, I’m greatly encouraged and motivated by the knowledge that people have been praying for this mission trip for many years. Knowing that God is using me as part of the answer to those prayers, sometimes really excites me, sometimes terrifies me, but always humbles me and reminds me to keep my eyes on him when climbing the figurative mountains. Good practice for the literal mountains to come!

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There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.