Kijabe Hospital

Kijabe Hospital has become strategic in reaching out to unreached people groups. Pete Halestrap, a doctor at AIM’s Kijabe Hospital explains how.

Kijabe Hospital is located approximately 60km from Nairobi. It was founded by AIM missionaries in 1915 and has expanded during the last 100 years to provide extensive medical and surgical services. The 280 beds are almost always overflowing and the Outpatient Department sees in excess of 15,000 patients a month.

It is perhaps easy to see how the hospital is obeying Jesus’ command that his followers should love their neighbours, but how is the hospital also obeying Jesus’ commission to go and make disciples of all nations?

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Watch this short film to find out more about Kijabe Hospital

Reaching Out

Whilst the hospital is located in an area of Kenya in which the gospel has been proclaimed for over 100 years, patients attending the hospital travel from a vast area. Many of those coming are from under-reached or unreached people groups, and in particular the hospital has gained a positive reputation with people from the ‘Horn of Africa’; indeed approximately 10% of the patients come from this region. It is wonderful to think that each month in excess of 1,500 patients from this people group are being exposed to Christian films and preaching in the waiting room. They meet and interact with staff who are keen to share their faith, and are able to witness the love of Christ clearly demonstrated in the care that they receive. It has been exciting to see how God has chosen to call people to himself through these interactions and opportunities.

“Graduates of the hospital’s training programmes are now serving in a huge number of countries across Africa, including some Creative Access Nations.”

Building Up

Kijabe Hospital also acts as a major teaching centre for health care professionals. It is involved in the training of nurses, clinical officer and medical officer interns, and offers several international postgraduate programmes. As the hospital undertakes this role, it seeks not only to mentor people professionally, but also spiritually. The Great Commission reminds us that Jesus wants disciples, not just converts, and there is a huge need among many who work in the hospital to be discipled; to be built up in their faith and to see how their faith should impact every aspect of their life. As they train in Kijabe, we pray that God will be preparing and equipping them to serve him whole-heartedly, wherever they may be.

Sending Out

Graduates of the hospital’s training programmes are now serving in a huge number of countries across Africa, including some Creative Access Nations. As they live and work in these areas, they have many opportunities to share their faith and be leaders in their local Christian communities.

Kijabe hospital’s excellent reputation has also led to various invitations to go into other countries to help teach and train. These regular trips have enabled relationships to be formed in which people can share their faith alongside their medical work, and indeed God has graciously used these trips to pave the way for full-time workers to move into a Creative Access Nations.

As Kijabe Hospital approaches its 100th year, it is a blessing to see how God is continuing to use it to make disciples of all nations and also demonstrate his love to a broken world.

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