From where will my help come?
Karis Koehn shares, “In our home culture, rain is often seen as something that dampens an otherwise happy event. We obviously weren’t farmers…
Since independence from Portugal in 1975 Mozambique was battered by civil war, economic woes and famine. Since peace in 1992 though, the country has developed one of the world’s fastest growing economies. Many are still unreached with the gospel and 17% of the country practice Islam.
In 1975 AIM’s first attempts to begin ministry in Mozambique were thwarted. All entry was forbidden by a regime claiming to be ‘the first truly Marxist government in Africa.’ In 1985 AIM eventually entered Mozambique to find that through the war and communist years the gospel had been quietly spread by Mozambican evangelists. AIM’s work therefore supported their efforts, with AIM mission partners seeking to support the local church and to share Bible training with local pastors.
AIM’s work in Mozambique remains the same today. The vision is to support local believers in evangelism, discipleship and in training Church leaders to grow God’s kingdom in Mozambique.
Karis Koehn shares, “In our home culture, rain is often seen as something that dampens an otherwise happy event. We obviously weren’t farmers…
The radio announced, ‘There’s a cyclone coming! Get ready!’ But few people knew what that meant, or how to prepare…
Thabiso Matsoso was part of the Growing Nations student programme from 2013-2014. He is now using Farming God’s Way as he serves in Mozambique.
Could you share your passion for mission to the unreached with Christian students in Mozambique?
I work with local churches in Chimoio, Mozambique, to make disciples who will in turn make disciples.