Chad TIMO Team

Bring your gifts and skills to a TIMO team sharing the gospel with unreached Africans. You will be prepared and equipped for a lifetime of minstry, as you live and serve among unreached people groups in Chad.


TIMO stands for Training in Ministry Outreach and is a model of team that brings together training and ministry. A new missionary joins a small, multi cultural team with experienced leaders and commits to living for two to three years in a particular outreach location. During those years they are trained for mission while simultaneously being involved in ministry among Africans. The goals of TIMO are summed up in its mission statement: ‘Compelled by Christ’s love for Africa’s unreached people groups, TIMO trains gospel-centred teams from the global church to plant reproducing churches.’

The population of this city in Chad is comprised mainly of various unreached people groups from the east and centre of the country, all of whom speak Chadian Arabic as the main language of the city and region. At the moment there are no known missionaries working in the city and very little outreach work being done by Chadian churches. The churches in the city are comprised of southern Chadians who have migrated to the area for work. They historically and culturally come from Christian ethnic groups and find themselves as a minority both ethnically and religiously in the Muslim-dominated central and northern regions of Chad. Chad’s history of inter-religious fighting and ethnic clashes has meant that there is a deep rift between the Muslim northerners and Christian southerners of Chad. This means that very little evangelism or church planting work is currently being done by the Chadian church among the many unreached Muslim people groups of Chad 

Vision and strategy

It is our desire to help catalyse and mobilise the believers in these churches to think and live missionally right where they are at. Just as we desire to faithfully proclaim the gospel to the unreached Muslim people groups of the area, we want to see the local church take up the commission that the Lord has given them to be light and salt in their communities. To this end, we will actively participate in the local church – seeking to encourage, challenge, teach, motivate, and provide missional opportunities for the believers. We will seek, as much as is possible, to incorporate the local church in the outreach ministries that we are involved in to the local community.

Ministry and type of work

Creating cultural centres helps to get to know the local community. Through teaching English and French, computer courses, sports, and making available a small library, AIM has found open doors for building relationships. The TIMO team will explore what activities best fit their skills and context and will help them to build relationships in order to share the gospel.

Qualifications and experience

No training or academic qualifications are required, but Bible training and a TEFL certificate would be desired.

What are the personal (not academic) characteristics required?

The personal characteristics we are looking for are teachable, team player, self-motivated, passionate about the lost, resilient, flexible, ability to live simply, ability to cope with extreme heat, willingness to adapt to the local culture (specifically when it comes to how women will be asked to cover themselves up when going out in public).


Yes! We have a programme called TIMO Quest. You will spend 30 days living and serving among an unreached people group while being mentored by long term AIM missionaries. Language-learning, simple living, cultural relevance, relationship-building, and discussions about missional topics are all emphasised. You can participate in a TIMO Quest on your own or as a married couple. Please get in touch to find out when the next TIMO Quest team will be running.

Yes, TIMO is open to singles, couples and families.

The long term application process normally takes between six to twelve months, with at least another six months following acceptance into AIM to raise support before going out to the field.

Our aim is to be thorough and diligent and we want to make sure, so far as we are able, that our missionaries are of a suitable calibre, have an assignment which is appropriate to their skills and giftings, and that they are adequately trained and equipped in order to be able to thrive and be effective in the ministry that they are called to.

Listen to missionaries talking about their preparation:

Interested? Get in Touch

Hi, my name is Debbie. If this opportunity interests you, or you have any questions, please do get in touch.​

Interested in serving form

Long term ( Over a year )

Our passion is to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. Currently there are over 1,000 people groups in Africa or 316 million people, who are waiting to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to engage with these unreached people, partner with churches in Africa to raise up gospel workers and equip African church leaders to strengthen the church. Could you play a part?. LEARN MORE


Chad became independent from France in 1960. Since then, its politics have been characterised by violence, coups and insurgencies. It is a secular state with freedom of religion. Muslims are dominant in government, trade and the army, although they are only just the majority religion (approx 53%). LEARN MORE


TIMO is Training In Ministry Outreach. It is a two-year programme that trains new cross-cultural workers from around the world to do ministry in Africa. LEARN MORE
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