Articles & Stories

From the beginning

Justin, AIM’s Unit Leader, shares the story of AIM’s ministry in Chad, as we look at the past, present and future, through the person of Moussa.

The church will stand

Wendy Atkins shares how the church, planted in the southeast corner of French Equatorial Africa, now the country of Central African Republic (CAR), has grown despite rebellions, wars, and consistent country-wide insecurity.

Still gathering, still praying

Christine Oliver shares how she was able to witness God at work, bringing together his perfect plan, as she served as a trained nurse and midwife in the Central African Republic.

Sharing the ups and downs

Ann serves as a doctor in Chad, meeting people in their homes and also treating them and their children for mental illness and epilepsy.

Literacy leading to salvation

Historically, Christian missionary efforts in Sudan, like in other African countries, saw education in a dual role - to present the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ to those who have not heard and to facilitate personal and societal development.

The Father’s hand

Gord Sawatzky talks about the chapter of his cross-cultural ministry in South Sudan, as the AIM country leader. 

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.