Prières quotidiennes

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield are preparing to serve at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. Give thanks that they have now moved into their new house in Kijabe and have enjoyed making it a home. Pray for them as they prepare to begin their roles at the College in January. Ask the Lord to give wisdom to Dave as he writes material for the New Testament courses he will teach and pray for God to guide Cristyn as she is involved in the operational running of the college. 


Annette* serves in AIM’s Southern Region Office. Give thanks for the encouraging time she had with other AIM workers at the Johannesburg Africa Based Orientation recently. Pray for her and the AIM Southern Region team as they prepare for some significant organisational changes early next year.  Ask God to provide visas for two new families joining the team, and a more permanent home for Annette* close to the Johannesburg office. *Names changed for security reasons

Hannah Jackson

Hannah Jackson has begun her new role as Assistant Child Safety Officer for AIM. Give thanks that God has answered her prayer and provided a permanent place for her to live in Nairobi. Pray that this home will be a blessing to her and to those she will invite into it. Ask God to continue giving her peace and perseverance as she adjusts to Kenyan life and culture and settles into her new responsibilities. 


Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. Ask God to give her contentment and encouragement in where she is at in her language learning and the ability not to compare her progress with other workers. Pray God will give her wisdom as she considers how to share about Jesus this Christmas time, and ask that He will open the hearts of her friends and neighbours to Christ.  *Names changed for security reasons  


Amelia* serves in West Africa, sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ. Ask God to strengthen and protect Christ-followers in her community as there is increased hostility towards them from their neighbours, some throwing rocks at them as they go about their day and their children being beaten up at school. Ask God to strengthen Amelia and the local body of believers as they seek opportunities to share their faith in Jesus amid this opposition.  *Names changed for security reasons 


Dawn* works to bring the gospel to unreached peoples in the Indian Ocean Islands. Ask God to prepare her heart to say goodbye to her friends on the Islands as she returns to the UK for a short visit. Pray for safe travels and a blessed time in the UK meeting with friends and family and updating her church and supporters on how God is using her and His people to share the gospel on the Islands.  *Names changed for security reasons 

Annemarie Boks

Annemarie Boks works in Adi, DR Congo as a Director of an Aids Awareness Program and works with the Bethesda project, which supports children who have been orphaned by their parents dying of the consequences of Aids by helping them pay for their school fees. Ask God to comfort the three children Bethsaida supported through school, who failed their exams in October. One of them has had the courage to accept the project’s offer to return to school again for a second year, however, the other two students have exhausted the three-year support the project could offer them. Pray that God will bless the teaching and studies of the one student returning to school, that she will pass next time. Pray for God to provide the means for the Bethsaida project to be able to support more children and young people for longer periods of time. 


Ann works among an unreached people group in northern Chad. Give thanks that she arrived in the UK safely to begin her Home Assignment. Ask God to give her rest and capacity as she visits friends and supporters. Pray with her for her church in Chad which continues raising money to finish building a bigger building. Pray that the congregation will be built up spiritually also. Several women left her town around the time she was leaving for her Home Assignment, so pray with Ann that the women who are left will be united in serving God together and growing in their faith through listening to God’s word. She gave the audio bible to as many as possible in their language before she left. Pray that they will listen to these and reflect on what they hear. 

African Diaspora in the UK

Pray for the African diaspora in England; writes: “Praise for great spiritual openness in our English conversation class and an interest in hearing Bible stories. Pray for students’ to believe the good news. Praise that the current parenting class is going well (5 Sudanese mums and 2 Somali mums). Pray for openness to the Father’s love.” 

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