Prières quotidiennes


Annette* serves in AIM’s Southern Region Office. Give thanks for the time she has had on Home Assignment to reflect and be encouraged by spending time with family, friends, and supporters. Pray for her as her Home Assignment ends and she awaits her visa to be granted so that she can rejoin her team in the Southern Region Office. Waiting for visas can be rather stressful, so please pray for God’s peace to be over Annette as she works remotely while awaiting her visa decision.   *Name changed for security reasons 

Zillah Whitehouse

Zillah serves as a Physiotherapist at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology, working alongside national colleagues in treatment, training and discipleship. Pray that God will continue to give Zillah boldness to turn conversations with her colleagues and patients to things of faith. Pray that the Holy Spirit will soften the hearts of those she interacts with so that they will want to know more about Zillah’s faith and will seek to know more of Jesus themselves.

Timo and Laura

Timo and Laura serve in Finland among the Congolese refugee population, sharing Jesus with them, and equipping Christian refugees to reach out to the Finns they live among. Finland is often labelled as a Christian nation because it has a state church, however, many Finns would not profess faith in Jesus. Pray for Timo and Laura as they help those, they interact with distinguish between cultural Christianity and what it means to truly know and accept Jesus as saviour. Pray that God will bless their friendships with displaced Congolese people and that opportunities to discuss faith will increase. 


Rae* is serving in a creative access location teaching English. Rae* has found that she is in need of more financial support to enable her to continue sharing the gospel to those who have never heard it. It is a sad reality that if AIM missionaries aren’t able to raise sufficient funds to finance their ministry, they face having to leave their locations and ministries and return to their home country. Pray that Rae* will lean on God for her provision and that God will move additional people to have a heart for the work she is doing and choose to donate to her work. Could you support Rae*? *Name changed for security reasons 

Andrew and Laura Beckham

Andrew and Laura Beckham served as part of a short-term team in Torit, South Sudan. Give thanks that they have completed their time in Sudan and are now back in the UK. Give thanks that Andrew’s time at the Torit Health Science Institute was informative and investing in the students has been a rich experience. Andrew has written the exam papers, and the students sat these exams last week. Pray for them as they await their results. Andrew and Laura enjoyed sharing the gospel with the students in their home, Join them in praying that what was shared will remain in their minds and work its way into their hearts. Pray for Andrew and Laura as they settle back into UK life and look forward in faith to what cross-cultural mission might look like for them in the future. 


Ann works among an unreached people group in northern Chad. Her church is working on constructing a church building. Please pray for the Church construction. Several key people in the church are due to be away on long holidays or will be leaving permanently soon. Pray for the church and construction leaders who may go from being a team of 8 to a team of 4, without confirmation of which teachers will return. Donations to the construction project can be made to AIM quoting ‘Abdi Church Assistance Project’. Pray that God will bless the construction project so that Ann’s church can enjoy a permanent meeting place to hear God’s word preached and fellowship together. 

Kathleen Burns

Kathleen Burns served as Health Coordinator and Short-Term Coordinator for AIM’s Central Region in Uganda and is now working as part of AIM’s Borderless ministry, working with the African diaspora in the UK. Pray for her as she has an interview today for a nursing role with a local Christian, medical team. The role will enable her to use her nursing skills to support her local area with medical provision while being able to share her faith in Jesus. Pray God will give Kathleen confidence in her interview and that there will be a positive outcome for all involved. 


The Alagwa are an unreached group living in central Tanzania’s hills and mountains. Praise God that the Africa Inland Church Tanzania (AICT) leadership will ordain Pastor Peter* today. Please pray that this will be a witness in Pastor Peter’s* village and beyond. Pray for him and his wife as they continue to lead the church there. Please also pray that the church would grow in their love for Jesus and boldness in sharing.  *Name changed for security reasons 


The Rendille live in the Kaisut Desert east of Lake Turkana, northern Kenya as semi-nomadic pastoralists. Praise God that five books of the Rendille Old Testament have been completed and were dedicated this past Saturday. The dedication was for the audio and written form of these books. Pray many will read and listen to these books and believe the message. Praise for the over 100 adults who have graduated from the Rendille literacy program as well. These graduates now have the ability to read and write in their own language. Through the courses, they have heard a clear presentation of the gospel. Praise the Lord for those who have already come to saving faith and pray that many more will come to faith through reading the word of God.  

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