Prières quotidiennes

Rift Valley Academy

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Sarah teaches at RVA. Give thanks to God for the way he has answered many prayers about staffing for the next school year. In November 2023 the school faced significant staff shortages, RVA having about 85 staff, approximately 30 less than most years. Now RVA expects to have at least 102 staff in August 2024! Praise God for this answered prayer and pray for safe travel for all staff travelling to the school in August. Pray that God will sustain the financial support of each staff member to enable them to remain serving God at RVA for the whole academic year. 

Barry and Heather Mann

Barry and Heather work with Growing Nations in Maphutseng, Lesotho. Heather is the CEO and Barry is AIM’s International Crisis Consultant and balances this role with his involvement with Growing Nations.   Barry and Heather are longing to be reunited with the Growing Nations team. Pray that the Lord will provide a way for them to visit Lesotho at last, after multiple personal factors have resulted in two cancelled trips. Pray with them for God to send rain on Lesotho, as the consistent dry and hot weather has resulted in a failed maize harvest. This has a significant impact on farmers and the local community where 24% of people already rely on food aid. Pray for sufficient rains to water the remaining crops and fill the water tanks to provide safe drinking water. 

Rex and Ruby

Rex and Ruby* have served in a variety of different creative access locations, seeking to share the gospel with those who have yet to hear it. Pray for their friend Jane* whose husband left her, taking their two sons with him, when she came to Christ. During Ramadan, he returned and gave her many ultimatums about what she was and wasn’t permitted to do regarding her faith and stating that the boys must continue following Islam. Give thanks that her husband and sons returned, but pray that God will strengthen and protect Jane* as she navigates her new position in her household. Pray that through her gospel witness, either vocally or through quiet Christlikeness, her husband will grow curious to know more about Jesus.  *Names changed for security reasons. 


The Laarim live in the Boya Hills of South Sudan, a rugged and hilly terrain with rich savanna, high grasslands and scrub bushes. They live in small settlements, with social and cultural life centred around cattle, with livestock being their only known natural resource. Pray Africa writes: “Every Saturday a group of boys is eager to come for chai, games, and Bible stories. Last week I asked the question, ‘Who is ready to go to heaven if we die today?’ One boy said, ‘I will go to heaven…because of the grace of God.’ Yes! However, another boy answered, ‘I will go to hell because I am a sinner.’ I turned now to our memory verse from Romans 5:7: ‘But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ With this focus on the gospel and our wonderful Savior, the second boy was able to joyfully declare, ‘I will go to heaven!’” Pray that these young boys will fully surrender their lives to Jesus and place their faith in Him alone.” 

Mix and Katie Miner

The Miner family serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). RVA is AIM’s boarding school founded to support missionaries across Africa. Mix works as an art and media design teacher while Katie hopes to work in administration once their children are old enough. Two weeks ago, they awoke at 3AM to the landline phone ringing, they were told to evacuate immediately as there was a landslide next to their house. They and their children were able to stay with a friend for four days and praise God that their house was not badly damaged. Continue to pray for those affected by the floods in Kenya. Pray for peace for Mix, Katie and their three children as they recover from this experience. Continue to pray for the relief work at RVA and the wider community. 


Amelia* serves in West Africa, sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ. Give thanks for the different groups of women that have welcomed Amelia* into their community, sharing tea with her and helping her with her language acquisition. Pray with Amelia* for new believers who face terrible trials for their faith, including a man who lost his job and whose lenders called in their debts when they heard he’d followed Jesus. In desperation, he recanted and returned to Islam. Pray that this won’t be the end of his journey with Jesus. Pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will strengthen and provide for the hearts and practical needs of new, persecuted believers.  *Names changed for security reasons. 

Mission In Action – Belfast

Today is the final AIM ‘Mission in Action’ event, in Ireland. Give thanks for the successful events in Edinburgh and Cardiff in recent weeks and pray that this final event will attract many people who are eager to learn of and support what God is doing through the Africa Inland Church Tanzania (AICT). Pray for Bishop Phillipo as he speaks and pray that his words will have a lasting effect on those who hear them.

Peter and Katy Wilson

Peter and Katy Wilson work at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Titchie Swot, RVA’s primary school, an AIM-run school for missionary children. Give thanks for the time they spent as a family over Easter. Pray for their two younger children as they have returned to Kenya for their schooling, while Peter and Katie remain in the UK on extended leave. Give thanks, especially for the encouraging response RVA’s students had to the recent flooding in Kijabe and surrounding areas. The students wanted to help and not having cash, gave away their clothes and helped clear roads and cover for RVA staff who were away taking care of their families by working in the cafeteria preparing meals and washing dishes. Pray that the hearts of these young people will continue to be conformed to the image of Christ as they live out Jesus’ love to those around them. 

Simon and Miriam Desborough

Simon and Miriam Desborough are serving Antananarivo, Madagascar, mobilising Malagasy Christians for God’s mission. Give thanks that their mobilisation team are now in the position to begin mobilising Malagasy Christians to serve as missionaries wherever God calls them. Give thanks for one such man David* who is keen to use his mining background to reach out to his colleagues, Gujarati businessmen and women. His heart for them has grown and he now wants to serve them as a full-time missionary. The Gujarati are an unreached people group in Madagascar, and ethnic differences have made outreach difficult. Pray for David* as he is willing to lay aside cultural and religious prejudice and animosity to share the good news of Jesus with this people group.  

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