Prières quotidiennes

Caroline Bell

Caroline Bell partners with churches in Moroto, Uganda, to envision, equip, mobilise, and encourage believers to reach out to rural Karimojong communities with the gospel. A couple of weeks ago she and some friends came across a situation where members of the community were offering an animal sacrifice to seek healing for someone who was sick. The Pastor of her church was able to share that Jesus is the one who heals, and instead of sacrificing they should bring the sick man to the church to pray for him. Please pray that the community can find peace and freedom from fear in Christ alone, and for the man who is sick to find healing and life in Jesus. 

Ruth Mahood

Ruth Mahood serves as a counsellor with AIM Care at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi. This past week Ruth has been supporting Rift Valley Academy’s ‘Educational Support Week.’ This week supports families in AIM who are using non-traditional schooling methods and provides support, resources and fellowship for parents. Ruth has been making herself available for anyone who feels they would benefit from a counselling session. Pray that her support this week will continue to be a blessing to parents and that she will continue to trust in God as she returns to Tumaini to offer counselling to missionaries before attending AIM’s Africa Based Orientation (ABO) in July 2024 as part of the AIM Care team. 

Paul and Helen

Paul and Helen serve in the Sahel region in French-speaking West Africa. Pray for their medical work in their local community, for the provision of resources, mental and physical capacity, and for the compassion of Christ to be evident in them as they care for each person. Pray that God will deepen their friendships with local people and those in their community, that they will be lights in a spiritually dark place. Pray for God to open doors for them to have conversations about their faith in Jesus with those around them. Pray for the protection of the Holy Spirit to cover them as they speak the truth of Jesus Christ to those who may be very opposed to the message of the gospel. 

Kenya Floods

Give thanks that the land and communities in Kenya that were affected by the major flash flood and landslide in April 2024, (which destroyed settlements on the outskirts of Maai Mahiu, just down the hill from RVA’s (Rift Valley Academy) campus) have been recovering steadily. The rains have been reducing however there have still been some very wet days which have triggered many emotions and trauma for those in the nearby communities. Continue to pray for those who have lost loved ones to this tragedy and pray that AIM’s workers who are supporting the aid work will show the love and compassion of Jesus Christ to those they support and work with. 

Alan and Pauline Jordan

Alan and Pauline Jordan serve with the Africa Inland Church in Nanyuki in the county of Laikipia, northern Kenya. Give thanks for God’s provision for Alan and Pauline to help source a 5,000-litre rain collection tank for Pastor Andrew*’s village. Pray that this tank will be a blessing to the village and provide clean drinking water for the people. Pray that those believers in the village will remember Jesus as the source of Living Water (John 4:14) each time they drink from it and will continue to trust in Him and share their faith with others. Please pray that Alan and Pauline will be able to continue to support Pastor Andrew* and his village as he cares for the spiritual and everyday necessities of life.  *Names changed for security reasons 


Angèle serves among the Fulani in West Africa. The Fulani are a people that live throughout the Sahel region. They are a cattle herding agrarian people who stretch from Senegal in the west to Sudan in the east. The Fulani are a predominantly Muslim people group. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give Angèle the right words to say when talking about Jesus with her Fulani neighbours, especially in the wake of Ramadan in April. Pray for God to strengthen her physically and spiritually as she works to support her local community and deepen her friendships. Pray that God will continue to provide for her needs and that she will grow stronger in her relationship with Jesus as she lives out her faith daily.

Pete and Libby Halestrap

Pete and Libby Halestrap shared the love of Jesus through medical work, teaching, and discipleship at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. The family is now in the UK indefinitely while Pete undergoes chemotherapy and other urgent medical treatment. Give thanks for Pete’s good response to treatment. Pray for God’s peace over him as he completes another round of chemotherapy before having another MRI scan in June 2024. Give thanks that their children are settling into UK school well, enjoying many extracurricular activities. Give thanks for their Church family and the Ladies’ Bible Study which continues to give life to Libby. Pray for Libby as she plans to return to Kijabe to complete packing up their house. Pray for God’s miraculous healing for Pete and for the whole family to continue pressing on in faith and submission to the sovereignty of God.


Dawn* works to reach unreached peoples in the Indian Ocean Islands with the gospel. Pray that God will provide time in her friends’ and neighbours’ schedules to meet and speak of faith together and read the Bible as they once used to. Dawn has found that Ramadan’s disruption to people’s usual routine along with the daily demands of life, has meant that the Island believers women’s group that usually meets to study and encourage each other has lost momentum. Pray that God will give these women a thirst for His word and fellowship together and that these meetings will become a priority in future weeks.  *Names changed for security reasons 


In a creative access location, Beth* has the joy of reaching out to many with the love of Jesus through language teaching and daily befriending. Pray for her friends Belinda* and Louise* whom Beth is reading the Bible with. Pray that these women will experience the love of the one true God, Jesus Christ and that the Holy Spirit will stir in them a desire to follow him despite the social and cultural cost. Louise* is trying to set up a business by selling clothes; please ask that she might see the Father’s hand in providing her with clients.  *Names changed for security reasons

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