Prières quotidiennes

AIM Borderless UK

Pray for God to provide more volunteers to join AIM Borderless’ Community Outreach Week team from 3rd – 11th August 2024. A Midlands city centre church is seeking to reach out to the diverse community on their doorstep. The church hopes to reach their local community from a North African background, and they have asked Borderless to provide a team to help them run a special events week. Pray that God will bless the practical planning of this week and that the team will have enough volunteers to run the week and share the gospel with African people in the UK. Could you join the team? Find out more here. 

John and Zoe Putman

John and Zoe Putman serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA); AIM’s boarding school which educates and disciples the children of missionaries, in Kijabe, Kenya. Pray for them as they prepare to take on the role of Dorm Parents for 7th grade (UK year 8) girls, in August 2024. As Dorm Parents they will support the pastoral care of these students. Pray for them over the next few weeks as they move into, unpack and furnish the Dorm. Pray that God will bless their efforts to make the Dorm a safe, Christ-centred and enjoyable place to live. 

Inge Michel

Inge Michel serves at SEMTENA in Nampula, Mozambique, where she teaches and trains pastors and church workers. Give thanks for a good end to the first semester. Praise God that a new course has started with thirteen students beginning the first module. Pray that God will reveal more of Himself to each student as they reflect and prepare for their next classes in the latter part of June 2024. 

Teaching in Mission

Give thanks for the smooth running of AIM’s online event ‘Teaching in Mission’ on 8th June 2024. Pray that those who attended will continue to be inspired and will pursue opportunities to serve God by using their gifts of teaching in cross-cultural mission.

Claire Weddell

Claire Weddell is based in Chimoio, Mozambique, working with local churches in discipleship and leadership development. Give thanks for the opportunity she has had to rest during a short Home Assignment. Please pray for her as she uses this opportunity to seek God and spend time in His presence. Pray for her team of mobilisers as they continue their ministry in Mozambique while Claire is away,

Cees and Mirjam Molenaar

Cees and Mirjam Molenaar serve in Kampala, focusing specifically on reaching the region of Karamoja and are now on a short Home Assignment. Give thanks for so many answered prayers over the last months; their work permits were approved; God provided many opportunities to visit Karamoja and their sons Mozes and Obed settled well into an International School in Kampala. Pray that their Home Assignment in the Netherlands will be an encouraging and refreshing time with family and visiting supporters. When they return to Uganda, they will move to the Karamoja region and Mozes and Obed will attend RVA in Kenya. Pray that God will provide a house for them to live in when they arrive and that Mozes and Obed will transition well to their new schooling arrangements. 


Edward* serves in a closed country where there are very few Christians. Give thanks that Edward* has been in his ministry location for a year now. Give thanks that he feels settled and has a good group of local friends with whom he can regularly relax and have opportunities to share the gospel. Pray particularly for a peaceful reconciliation between a believer and a gospel worker in Edward’s local church. There have been significant arguments, threats, and ultimatums that seem to be a danger to the local church and the spiritual health of this believer. Pray that forgiveness, grace, and the Holy Spirit will bring peace to the situation. Pray for God to give humility and willingness to listen to counsel, to both men involved.  *Names changed for security reasons 


Hannah teaches the children of cross-cultural Christian workers at Wellspring Academy in Chad and is on Home Assignment in the UK. Today marks the first day of an AIM Chad team leader retreat. Pray for safe travels to Chad and that Hannah’s time with other team leaders will be an encouraging and fruitful time. Pray that as she reads the Bible and reflects on what God has accomplished through His people in Chad, she will be spiritually refreshed and revived, ready to return to Wellspring in July before the school term starts in August 2024. 

Borderless UK

Rejoice with one of our UK Borderless workers upon the graduation of many Northeast African parents, from a parenting course run by local Christian volunteers. The course has been a valuable opportunity for parents to grow in relationship with their children and build friendships with other parents and volunteers. Pray that the friendships that have been made will continue after graduation. Pray that those conversations about faith and the gospel during the course will continue to spark interest in Jesus and that God will open doors for further conversations. 

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