Prières quotidiennes
Elle* is part of a medical ministry team on the Indian Ocean Islands. They are grateful they were spared the worst of the recent cyclone and are unaware of any badly injured in their area. Christmas there is a strange season, as no-one is celebrating the season or the incarnation. The recent translation of Matthew’s Gospel into the local language has given Elle the opportunity to start sharing the story from this account, and she had some good discussions about the meanings of the names Jesus and Emmanuel. *Name changed for security reasons
Happy Christmas
Praise the Lord for coming as one of us at great cost to himself. Pray for those who have gone to make him known to others and are far away from family and loved ones. Pray too for those on home assignment, that this will be a precious time catching up with family.
Pray for Morgan that he would have a rich learning experience on his short-term placement with a training team in Northern Kenya. Morgan has been involved in language learning, building houses, and visiting a Pastor in a shepherd camp. He has also had the opportunity to attend an AIM Conference and has enjoyed meeting new people and learning about the ministries that others are involved in.
Pray for people on Mayotte to be provided with their immediate basic needs: water to drink, food to eat, a roof over their heads; phones reconnected so they can reach loved ones; leaders to have wisdom beyond all human wisdom, both for the immediate crisis as well as for longer term rebuilding efforts; peace and order not looting and violence. But also pray that their longer term needs to feel safe, find comfort as they grieve this immense loss, and discover hope for the future would ultimately be met in the Saviour.
Indian Ocean cyclone
The recent cyclone in the Indian Ocean has had a terrible effect on the island of Mayotte. The 140 mph winds devastated the tin shacks of the large population of undocumented migrants, and all have been entirely flattened. Larger houses with tin roofs were not spared, with roofs ripped from many. Tens of thousands are without water. Pray for effective disaster relief in the short term.
Caroline Bell
Caroline Bell partners with churches in Moroto, Uganda, to envision, equip,mobilise, and encourage believers to reach out to rural Karimojong communities with the gospel. They are hoping today to hold baptisms with the church members in Aworobu and Lokwakwa. Please pray for all of those who are going to be baptised, and also that this would be a wonderful testimony to the wider community. Pray too for fruit from the Church of Uganda youth camp (for 12-30 yr olds) from South Karamoja that ran last week.
Inge Michel
Inge Michel serves at SEMTENA in Nampula, Mozambique, where she teaches and trains pastors and church workers. Pray for the SEMTENA leadership as they prepare to make the possibilities to study Gods Word even better known among the churches. They hope to use printed flyers, social media and visits in the churches of teachers and students.
Claire Weddell
Claire Weddell is based in Chimoio, Mozambique, working with local churches in discipleship and leadership development. She praises God for everyone who prays for the ministry of Mobilization – (that includes you!). Please pray that she and the team of mobilizers will have the opportunity to rest and be renewed spiritually over the Christmas season. Pray that they will be strengthened in their walk with God and prepared for the challenges of the year ahead.
Chris and Sarah Power
Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA), and Sarah teaches at RVA. The campus is currently quiet after the boarding students have all returned to spend a month with their families. Ask the Lord for a time of spiritual refreshment and rest for Chris, Sarah and the other staff over the school break. Thank the Lord that one of the girls Sarah mentors has given her life to Jesus.