Prières quotidiennes


Annette* serves in AIM’s Southern Region Office. Give thanks that the visa she has been waiting for has been approved! This is a huge relief to Annette and means that she can finally rejoin her colleagues in Africa. She is still in need of more financial support to enable her to remain in her role long term. Pray for God to bless generous givers to partner with her in her ministry. Could you support Annette? Find out more here. 


Kathleen served as Health Coordinator and Short-Term Coordinator for AIM’s Central Region in Uganda and is now working as part of AIM’s Borderless ministry, working with the African diaspora in the UK. Give thanks that she has been accepted by a local organisation to use her nursing skills to support people in her local area while being able to share her faith in Jesus. Pray for God to provide Kathleen with opportunities to speak about Jesus and that the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of those she supports to listen and want to know more about the God she worships. 

Paul and Elizabeth Makau

Paul and Elizabeth Makau serve in Kenya with AIM at the Africa International University (AIU) in Nairobi. AIU is a private Christian university that offers Christ-centred leadership training to church leaders so that they can transform their communities. Pray for them as they plan and execute training sessions. Pray for each church leader to be equipped and joyful as they train and think about how they can use their grounding in God’s word and practical teaching, to nurture and grow their church congregations in love and discipleship. Pray for Paul and Elizabeth as they seek more financial supporters to help them continue in this key ministry. Could you support the Makau family? Find out more here. 

North Africa

Pray for Christians in North Africa who have been imprisoned for their faith in Jesus and went to trial on June 12th, 2024. The court refused the lawyer’s request to release them and set a new court date to be August 13th, 2024. Pray that the holy spirit will strengthen them as they wait in prison. Pray for Jesus to comfort their families and for the Lord to give the other believers in their country peace and confidence in their God. Pray that they will be released on August 13th. 

Pete and Libby Halestrap

Pete and Libby Halestrap shared the love of Jesus through medical work, teaching, and discipleship at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. Pray for Libby as she travels to Kenya today to finish packing up their family’s house, as they were not able to pack everything when they first had to return to the UK last September for Pete to receive urgent medical treatment. Pray for safe travels and smooth logistics. Pray for Libby to feel the presence of God as she packs and pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort her as she prepares to say goodbye to their beloved home, for possibly the last time. 

Rift Valley Academy

On 12th June 2024 one of the Rift Valley Academy (AIM’s school for the children of missionaries, in Kenya) rugby players serious neck injury during a match. He has a neck fracture but thankfully no paralysis and is currently undergoing treatment.  Pray for healing for him and for God’s peace to be upon his family at this time. 

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield are preparing to serve at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. Give thanks that their youngest son, Caleb who had surgery for a cleft palate in February 2024, has been cleared by the surgeons to travel. Give thanks Dave and Cristyn have identified tenants to rent their house while they’re away, which is a huge weight off their minds. Continue to pray for them as they prepare to travel to Kenya in July 2024. Pray for God’s protection over their travel and that they will have blessed goodbyes with those in the UK

The Bara

The Bara people have occupied Betroka, a small village in southern Madagascar, for centuries. PrayAfrica writes “Pray for all the Bara Christians to be salt and light to their people. Pray for their faith and that they will live for the Glory of Jesus. Pray for good relationships among the partners, pastors and local churches. Pray for new believers to grow and for a revival among the Bara. May a wind of the Spirit break down all the walls of ancestor worship and syncretism and spread salvation among the Bara!” 

Adam and Lesley Williams

Adam and Lesley are short-term missionaries serving at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) AIM’s boarding school for the children of missionaries, in Kijabe. Give thanks that their new visas have been issued, meaning that they can continue serving in Kenya for the remainder of their assignment. Pray for Adam as he finishes his time at RVA teaching both advanced calculus classes. Pray that God will continue to bless them as they begin to look ahead to life beyond RVA.

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