Prières quotidiennes

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield are preparing to serve at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. Today is their commissioning service with their sending church. Please pray for Dave and Cristyn and their children Stevie and Caleb as they say goodbye to friends and family and begin transitioning into life in Kenya. Pray that today will be an encouraging time with their church family and will increase their joy in what the Lord is calling them to do in Kenya. 

Jessica Goldschmidt-Habyarimana

Jessica Goldschmidt-Habyarimana serves with the AIM French-speaking office as Communications Manager. Today marks the beginning of the Francophone GO programme, which equips participants with the basic skills to live and share the gospel with people who have never heard it. Pray for Jessica as she facilitates the programme and pray for God to prepare the hearts of the participants and that it would be a wonderful time of sharing, unity and growth. 

Ben and Christelle Simonin

Ben and Christelle Simonin serve in Mayotte, making disciples among the unreached people living there. Soon they will be spending three weeks in Kenya attending AIM’s Africa Based Orientation (ABO). ABO is an intensive orientation for all new and returning missionaries, designed to prepare and equip missionaries ahead of beginning their ministry in their various locations. Pray for safe travels and for a blessed and encouraging time with other AIM workers.  

AIM Europe Staff

Today the AIM Europe staff are marking Peter Root’s retirement; Peter is the current Personnel Director. Peter served as an AIM missionary before joining the staff team and will celebrate 35 years of service upon his retirement at the end of July 2024. Pray that today’s celebrations will be a joyful time of reflection and fellowship. Give thanks for all the Lord has done in and through Peter in that time and pray for God to bless him and his wife Darryl as they transition into this new stage of Peter’s life.  


The Rendille live in the Kaisut Desert east of Lake Turkana, northern Kenya as semi-nomadic pastoralists. PrayAfrica writes: “Pastors and elders of multiple local churches among the Rendille and Samburu continue to meet to read and study God’s Word and how it practically lives out in the church. This past week, 5 of those men gathered to learn how to study the Bible (hermeneutics) and are moving on to expository preaching through a curriculum called SOMA. Pray for these men as they sharpen each other. Pray for their spiritual growth, the growth of their families, and the growth of healthy churches in Northern Kenya.” 


Dawn* works to reach unreached peoples in the Indian Ocean Islands with the gospel. Pray for her friend Rebecca* whose boldness in sharing her faith in Jesus could be likely to cost her job. Pray that God will protect her from those opposed to her beliefs and pray that the Lord will strengthen and prepare her for what might come. Pray that those she is sharing the gospel with will be able to continue to meet with her to study and pray in peace and safety.  *Names changed for security reasons. 

Autumn Conference

AIM’s Autumn Conference commences in Derbyshire from September 18th – September 20th 2024 and places are still available to book! The Conference is open to all to come and meet missionaries and AIM staff, hear their stories and learn how they can be involved in AIM’s work both overseas and in Europe. Pray for the UK Personnel Team as they plan and prepare. Pray that more people will book to attend and that the Conference will be a time of mutual encouragement and spiritual refreshment for missionaries, supporters and all who attend. If you’d like to book you can find more information here. 

The Bara

The Bara live in the grasslands of south-central Madagascar.  Give thanks for the literacy programme AIM workers have run with Bara children. PrayAfrica writes: “This marks the end of our 2023/2024 literacy program. Yesterday, we celebrated the conclusion of a year of study. Two hundred children were taught about Christ, learned to read and write in their own language, and were fed daily! Pray with us that the knowledge of Christ will transform their hearts and that literacy will change their futures. The next 200 children start studying in September 2024!”

David and Patricia Techand

Give thanks that David and Patricia Techand have been accepted into Long Term membership with AIM Europe! David and Patricia are Swiss-German and have previously been working in Kenya, setting up and maintaining radio stations to be run by the local church or partner organisations as a tool for evangelism.  They, along with their four daughters are preparing to serve with AIM in Tanzania in 2025. Pray that God will give them peace and zeal for this new phase in their ministry and that the Lord will bless them as they raise prayer and financial support in the coming months.

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