Business Placement in West Africa


AIM is seeking to grow new ministries in West Africa.

Vision and Strategy

Gospel ministry is still in its initial stages in this part of West Africa, and those currently working in the area have encouraged AIM to send workers to join them. By proclaiming in a culturally-sensitive manner and by living gospel-shaped lives in this challenging context, workers may make vital contributions to the advance of the kingdom of God.

Long term workers will initially be seconded to current ministries for about two years. They will be engaged in businesses or professional placements and will use the opportunities that God brings through them to share their faith.  It is hoped that after this initial period new strategies for reaching unreached people in this area will be established in the light of the fresh understanding acquired.

Ministry and type of work

Workers will focus on their professional identity, learning language and gaining cultural understanding. All of this will be done with the aim of living an intentional Christian lifestyle and appropriately sharing the gospel at every possible opportunity.

Qualifications and experience

  • Professional certifications or relevant experience in the field you will work in-country.
  • Business experience and previous cross-cultural experience in West African culture are desirable.

What are the personal (not academic) characteristics required?

  • Bold proclaimer of Jesus
  • Loves Jesus in a personal way
  • Healthy and growing spiritual life
  • Able to take initiative and also work as part of a team
  • Able to cope with extremes of temperatures

Other information

This is for both long term and short term placements.


Yes. Whether you go on a team assignment with other short termers, or an individual assignment, you will be part of a team once out on the field. Both teams and individuals will be placed within teams of long term workers and you will be a part of supporting their ongoing ministries.

Listen to one of our missionaries sharing about being a part of a team:

The main qualification that we seek is that you are a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and that you desire to share your faith and are proactive in doing so. We do have a minimum standard of biblical competency and, alongside your church, we will assist you in training where it is needed. Where formal and professional qualifications are concerned, this will vary from assignment to assignment and country to country. Many countries in Africa today require a university degree, or equivalent, for the purposes of obtaining a work permit.

We’ll work with you to explore the best education options available for your children. Some families homeschool their children, some enrol their children at one of AIM’s schools as boarders or day students (Rift Valley Academy in Kenya, Wellspring Academy in Chad or Haven of Peace Academy in Tanzania), and some enrol their children in a national school.

Hannah who now works at Wellspring Academy talks about the role of missionary teachers:


These people came to my home and talked about Jesus and Lazarus. Lazarus was someone who wanted to see Jesus, and Jesus came to his home. My wife and I accepted Jesus as our Saviour. We gave the belongings of the spirits to be burned. We are free.

Intéressé ? Contacte-nous

Bonjour, je m'appelle Jessica. Si cette opportunité t'intéresse ou si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas à nous contacter.

Interested in serving form (FR)

Short term (under a year)

There are many ways to serve short term. Whether on a team, as an individual, on a medical elective, or as a Bible college placement, short term with AIM fits into our long term ministry of reaching Africa’s unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE

Long term ( Over a year )

Our passion is to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. Currently there are over 1,000 people groups in Africa or 316 million people, who are waiting to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to engage with these unreached people, partner with churches in Africa to raise up gospel workers and equip African church leaders to strengthen the church. Could you play a part?. LEARN MORE

Creative Access

We use ‘Creative Access’ to refer to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ. In North Africa alone, 200 million people from 472 unreached people groups are unreached with the gospel. That’s 200 million people unknowingly heading for a Christ-less eternity. LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE
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