Prières quotidiennes
Short Term
During a recent short-term trip, J was talking to women in a local shop about faith and religion. The fact that J is from North Africa and speaks Arabic, but isn’t Muslim, was a great opening for a conversation about Jesus. The women also brought over a local Arabic speaking man. He was very open, and God gave J the opportunity to share her faith with him! Pray that others will water these seeds and that the Lord will give the increase.
Rex and Ruby
Rex and Ruby* have served in a variety of creative access locations, seeking to share the gospel with those who have yet to hear it. They are currently visiting three teams, as well as exploring a site for a new group. They will also visit their previous place of ministry where they hope to meet up with friends. Please ask for a smooth journey given that it is in Ramadan, good connections with their team members and local friends, and opportunities to share the light of Jesus as they travel. * Name changed for security reasons.
Mat and Katy Linley
Mat and Katy Linley are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Mat is Assistant Superintendent at Rift Valley Academy. Katy is involved in Family Health Clinical Officer training at Kijabe Hospital. They are planning to move back to the UK in July after 17 years in mission. Pray for Katy as she is gradually handing over training. Pray that the 2-day crisis management training Mat coordinated recently for RVA staff and leaders from the different AIM regions will prove helpful if needed.
The Borana
The Borana Christians of Northern Kenya are evangelizing their own people, making disciples, building up one another in the faith and giving sacrificially. Trained Borana Pastors are leading the churches and also helping with evangelism and Bible teaching among the Borana Christians of Ethiopia. There is long-standing conflict between the Borana and Gabbra and other peoples of Northern Kenya. Persistent drought makes tensions worse. Pray for the Prince of Peace to intervene, reconciling many to God and to one another.
Church connections
As we are sent by churches (Acts 13:1-3) and whenever possible, minister to and through churches, pray that AIM would serve, equip, and mobilize churches and believers from the global Church, and particularly from Africa, to join in the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20).
Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island, seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. Last month she gathered with other AIM workers to think about ministry to Muslims in Africa. The messages focused on Paul’s example in Acts, reminding them of the story we tell, and ensuring we’re not adding to it and putting more demands on people when they choose to believe. Ruth* came away with lots to think about and also a renewed love for Jesus who is the wonderful message, and a passion to share him with those who so desperately need to hear. One highlight was the prayer evening when some of the Africans attending the conference prayed so passionately and loudly for their continent that Ruth* had goosebumps. They were praying in their own languages, which gave a wonderful foretaste of people from many nations and tongues joining together in the New Creation. It was also such an encouragement being in a big crowd of people for fellowship, reconnecting with old friends, meeting new ones, and singing together. * Name changed for security reasons.
Kay* leads a medical team on the Indian Ocean Islands. Ramadan often feels oppressive as everyone is trying to appear to be extra religious. Pray that our teams would see and embrace the genuinely open conversations amid the usual debates or comments. It is a time where many truly try to seek God. In light of this, please pray that people would see the emptiness of works and striving and that as they seek, they would find the only true way of salvation. * Name changed for security reasons.
Cees and Mirjam Molenaar
Cees and Mirjam Molenaar recently moved from Kampala to Kotido, Uganda, to engage the Karimojong people for Christ. A vision is coming together for a mission hub, a training centre which supports, promotes and propels missionary ministry. The first concrete step is to buy land and begin building a house. Pray for a smooth process in this and firmer details for the vision moving forwards.
Democratic Republic of Congo
The Democratic Republic of the Congo stands at the brink of war again. Whilst there is currently no direct threat from the rebel groups to any AIM members, the resulting instability has required the team in Bunia to follow their contingency protocol and relocate to Adi, a safer, more secure location. The threats to our partner church, CECA 20, remain. We appreciate their care for AIM members, as they advise them for their safety, while they themselves remain to minister in a situation fraught with danger. Praise God that our personnel are all safe, but pray for God’s grace for our church partner, and cry out for mercy for the Congolese people.