Prières quotidiennes
Margot DeSouza
Margot DeSouza has completed her service as part of a TIMO team serving in Likawage, Tanzania. Pray for good sleep and routines for her and her husband Fernando as they continue enjoying parenthood with their baby boy. Ask God to bless their language learning as they study French in preparation to return to Fernando’s ministry team in Chad, where their French language skills will be important. Ask God to give them perseverance and peace as they enjoy this season of life while preparing to move country again with a small child.
The Gabbra
The Gabbra are an unreached people group who live in the Chalbi desert along the border of Kenya and Ethiopia. PrayAfrica writes : “Twelve youth and a Brazilian couple, alongside our Gabbra youth Pastor, went for a four-day outreach in the Hurri Hills gathering the existing Christians to encourage them, then visiting several new villages to sing and share the gospel. Very high energy and great openings. We are expecting them back in Dukana today to share how everything went. Pray for all the gospel seeds they planted to find good soil and produce much fruit!”
Gilles and Myriam Bonvallat
Gilles & Myriam are AIM mobilisers for French-speaking Europe and Gilles also serves as Director and Finance Officer for the Francophone office. For some time, they have been overwhelmed with the many responsibilities they carry, both outside and within AIM. As they prepare to take a sabbatical from their AIM roles in December, pray that God will help them to complete the tasks they can and submit to God what they must leave for others to take over. Pray for peace in their hearts as they plan how to use their sabbatical effectively to rest well.
Owen and Miriam Pugh
Owen and Miriam Pugh serve in AIM’s International Office, based in the UK. Owen is AIM International’s Office Manager and Miriam is the Personnel Director. Give thanks that they were able to visit their former teammates in Tanzania recently and that they heard of three more Tanzanian believers being baptised! Pray for the translation of the Bible into the local language of Alagwaisa. There have been significant challenges for the translation team to overcome this year. Pray with Owen and Miriam for God to continue to bless this work and give wisdom to those who lead it.
Prisoners of North Africa
Continue to pray for Christian prisoners in North Africa who have been imprisoned for their faith in Jesus for some time now. Their trial has been postponed multiple times, and the last trial produced no verdict. Their new trial is scheduled for today. Ask God to give each prisoner continued endurance in this suffering. Pray that this trial will go ahead, that there will be a clear verdict, and that the prisoners will be released.
Calire Weddell
Claire Weddell is based in Chimoio, Mozambique, working with local churches in discipleship and leadership development. Praise God for the impact of the new Youth Mobilization Training she and her team ran for a second time in October. Please pray for her and for the team of mobilisers as they work on establishing follow-up, including a Discipleship Program to meet the needs of these young people
Caroline Bell
Caroline Bell partners with churches in Moroto, Uganda, to envision, equip, mobilise, and encourage believers to reach out to rural Karimojong communities with the gospel. The church plant in which she’s been most involved has recently merged with a church in the next village and begun meeting there. Caroline misses meeting in the first village and the connections it brought with the wider community there. Pray for her as she seeks God’s guidance on how to continue to invest in these connections while meeting to worship elsewhere. Pray that God will bring spiritual fruit from this merging of two church congregations.
Jessica Goldschmidt-Habyarimana
Jessica Goldschmidt-Habyarimana serves as the administrator for the AIM France office. Pray for Jess as she runs an AIM stand at an event in the French speaking part of Switzerland today. Please pray for all the speakers and participants. Please pray for her conversations with the people God puts in her path, that they may be inspired by God for cross-cultural mission
Kay* leads a medical team on the Indian Ocean Islands. Give thanks that after weeks of problems with her solar system, she now has power in her house. Praise God that she is feeling more settled in her neighbourhood and that she has made a friend who shares a favourite local dish with Kay whenever she cooks it. Kay* feels God has placed this friend on her heart and asks for prayer that God will give her opportunities to talk about things of faith with her. Pray that God will be preparing her friend’s heart to hear and receive the gospel of Jesus Christ and that the Holy Spirit will give Kay the words to say to her that will engage her interest in knowing more about Kay*’s God. *Names changed for security reasons