Pray for global mission

How should we pray for ourselves and others? Every day our staff, and the pastors and missionaries who join us, hear an opening prayer shaped by Luke 10:2. ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ We shape our prayers around this verse, to help us remain focused on the task we have been called to. Praying through scripture helps us to be shaped by God’s heart, to have our eyes opened to his work in the world and to be challenged to see how God has placed us to work out his purposes.

We know that when we pray God is not only moving our hearts wherever we are, but he is also directing people’s lives, shaping cultures, opening doors and equipping those he is calling. God’s sovereignty, power and might give us confidence to pray prayers that go beyond our understanding of the means to achieve them, or the cost to individuals and churches to see him fulfil them. Our prayers are to see God raise up people ready to cross-cultures and share the good news. So, let us pray through some of Scripture together to help us broaden our prayers, and move from our day-to-day concerns, to praying for God to reach our communities, churches and every nation.

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Prayer from AIM’s Daily Prayer:

The Antandroy people live in the extreme south of Madagascar.  The name Androy means “where there are thorns” and they have adapted to a very inhospitable environment, covered with thorny bush and experiencing frequent severe drought.  The Antandroy believe the blessings and curses of life come from their ancestors and by appeasing their ancestors, they can reap benefits. They acknowledge that there is a God, but they see Him as distant and inactive in their lives. Translation of the NT into the Antandroy language is progressing and is around 85% complete. All four gospels are available in print and audio and are being used in daily readings on local radio. Audio recordings of Acts and several epistles are also available, along with the Jesus Film. Pray that God would encourage the translation team as they work on the remaining books of the NT and that more Antandroy people would want to hear God’s word in their language and realise that this message of salvation is for them.

Claire is based in Chimoio, Mozambique, working with local churches in discipleship and leadership development. Praise God for an enthusiastic start to the new Discipleship course. Please pray for every student, that they will grasp the reality of who they are in God, be willing to pay the cost of true discipleship, and that they will determine to live their lives on mission with God.

Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. She is having loads of little conversations at the minute, but none are going much further. Please ask that the Spirit would be working and that she would be led to people who want to know/study more. One recent opportunity came when she was belting out some worship songs in her room. The next day, her neighbour’s oldest daughter asked her why she sings, which gave an opportunity in front of several other people to share the good news about Jesus.

*Name changed for security reasons

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