18 décembre 2015

Tim & Beth Wood

“Almost six years after Sofala Bible Institute welcomed the first students into the new B.A. program, the final two students from the first group graduated, bringing the number of those who finished the coursework and the final project to eight. For the first time the B.A. graduates were women. Alfa’s first child was born during her last semester of coursework so she took longer with her project. Julia had a difficult time with the project and struggled to find time while teaching at two different primary schools to support her family after her husband’s company failed. Her graduation was special for us because Tim was the supervisor for her project. We were privileged to attend a dedication service for her at her church (Tim preached) and a graduation party in her honour. Julia’s church has no children’s Sunday school and the leaders weren’t very interested. However, at her dedication, one of the pastors said that now she must organize a Sunday school program for the church so that the children could have their own classes. Pray that Julia will be able to start a Sunday school and encourage one or two others to be trained as Sunday school teachers.”

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