11 septembre 2023

The Laarim

One of AIM’s workers shares on Pray Africa.org; ” The Word of the Lord is being shared among the Laarim! Two months ago, we started two new evening Bible studies. We are now seven weeks into a twenty-five-week Bible story set at the home of Lonyia and at the home of Pellegrino. It has been wonderful seeing kids start to take over leading the worship songs. People faithfully share praises and prayer requests. Wow, praise the Lord! Apart from these two homes, Love and I (Tessa) continue to share out in the village of Karamarok and at the home of Susanna, one of our believing friends. I also share at the home of Natiote in Chawa, while David continues to faithfully meet with Kalifa as they spend time in the Word together. Praise God! Pray for the Word to work in people’s hearts and for the Spirit to ‘convict them of sin, and righteousness and judgment’ John 16:8.” 

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