22 novembre 2019

Short Term

Kerry Laffey is a short term missionary serving as a teacher at Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya. “Recently, I have become involved in the mentoring programme here. Mentoring is a way for staff to come alongside high school students and chat, read the Bible and pray with them. One girl has asked if I would be her mentor, so we’ve had a couple of chances to meet these last few weeks. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be able to speak truth into her life and for her honesty with me. Please pray for that relationship, that Jesus will be at the centre of it, that it will be built on trust and that it will be fruitful… Praise God for many opportunities to spend time with students and speak about the work God is doing. Please pray for a fruitful and Christ-centred mentoring relationship with my high school student.”

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