27 mai 2016

Pierre-Alain & Emmanuelle Luder

“Drought raged in [Mozambique], but one of our missionaries will never forget the night they came together with the whole church to pray together for the rain that started and continued for four consecutive days! Unfortunately this has not prevented famine raging, and touched by the suffering of their neighbours, one of our teams brought this to God and received the conviction to help by distributing food. They included their supporters in this work and were able to make four rice distributions through several churches to feed more than 6,000 people. Each distribution was seen as an act of worship and such evidence struck local villagers. A man who only came sporadically to church volunteered to help with the distribution. Then he started to go to the villages to share the good news and even invited 10 of his friends to come to church! His vision of God was transformed through this action!” Praise God that this has led to opportunities to share the Gospel and is already bearing fruit.

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