24 mai 2024

Peter and Katy Wilson

Peter and Katy Wilson work at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Titchie Swot, RVA’s primary school, an AIM-run school for missionary children. Give thanks for the time they spent as a family over Easter. Pray for their two younger children as they have returned to Kenya for their schooling, while Peter and Katie remain in the UK on extended leave. Give thanks, especially for the encouraging response RVA’s students had to the recent flooding in Kijabe and surrounding areas. The students wanted to help and not having cash, gave away their clothes and helped clear roads and cover for RVA staff who were away taking care of their families by working in the cafeteria preparing meals and washing dishes. Pray that the hearts of these young people will continue to be conformed to the image of Christ as they live out Jesus’ love to those around them. 

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