10 février 2017

Paul & Helen

Paul & Helen have just finished Africa Based Orientation in Kenya, and will soon start their assignment working in a team among the Karimojong in northern Uganda. Helen writes: “We have been have seven hours of lectures five days a week, plus a “ministry outing” (visiting a local church) every Sunday which leaves Saturdays for days off. The lectures have ranged from personal security, to the African worldview, to how to stay healthy on the field so have been helpful and actually quite fun! …Our time here has been so, so incredibly inspiring and a reminder of what we have come to do and why we have come to do it. There were people who are the only workers in their area; working hard, and at times things have been feeling like a slog, but they have also been seeing amazing stuff happen. There were such amazing people here, and we’re so happy to be part of this organisation. [Last Thursday] our International Director stood up and gave a nearly 30-minute talk about how amazing the single women are who have sacrificed to come to this continent and how important they are to the work. He had nearly everybody in tears, even me – and definitely Paul!” Praise God that Paul and Helen enjoyed their time at Orientation, and please pray that it will have equipped them well for their work in Uganda.

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