16 octobre 2020

Owen & Miriam Pugh

Miriam writes, “I am thankful for the way the gospel of Luke in Alagwaisa is continuing to speak to the disciples. This morning, a friend and I were listening to Luke 14:15-24. As we asked ourselves what we learn about people in this passage, my friend said people’s heads are so hard… (as in resistant to God) and we talked about the importance of giving God the first place in our lives and looking to him above all other things. She affirmed this as she talked about the way even before she gets out of bed, she talks to God and puts everything she has to do in his hands. As we prayed, she confessed that often our heads are hard and also prayed for many hearts to be opened in our community and beyond.” Praise God for how God is speaking to believers through the Alagwaisa translation of Luke’s gospel, and pray that God would open more hearts to him among the Alagwa.

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