17 mars 2017

Matt & Amy Dixon

The Dixons are about to return to the UK for five months’ Home Assignment: “Again we will say many goodbyes here to team mates, Tanzanian friends, colleagues and staff, to school friends and members of the community. Waiting in the UK are even more hellos, to family, friends, supporters and new schools… In the back of our minds we know too that before we realise it those five months in the UK will pass and we will be into another wave of goodbyes and hellos as we will hopefully return to Tanzania at the beginning of September. In all these transitions and all the clunking of gears and emotions that we feel it is good to remember that we have a constant Companion in life who is the same yesterday, today and forever, and that we have a permanent home in Heaven.” Please pray for the Dixon family as they return to the UK; pray for happy reunions with friends and family, for finding peace in God in the midst of transition, and for refreshment before they return to Tanzania.

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