18 avril 2019

Matt & Amy Dixon

The Dixons will return to the UK for two years so that Amy can train as a teacher. “As we near the end of our third term of service, this being the end of our time here working with AIM in partnership with Africa Inland Church of Tanzania (AICT), it is good to remember whose work it is that we have been doing and with whom it is that we are entrusting the work here to continue on… As we prepare to leave, believing this is the right time for our family to move onto a new chapter, it is humbling and encouraging to have been a part of the good work that the Lord is doing here… Praise God for his faithful provision for the development of the Sanga Sanga Conference and Retreat Centre, and pray for good ‘goodbyes’ and happy ‘hellos’ as we go through major transitions as a family.”

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