25 janvier 2019


“You may remember a young woman some of my colleagues spent months nursing back to health after she set herself on fire. With hours of sacrificial care over many months, she saw and heard the love of Jesus and the gospel poured into her, as they shared in word and deed. Her wounds eventually healed, yet her scars, both physical and emotional remained… Whilst she doesn’t live in the village any longer, she has kept a close friendship with my colleague and talks about the love and care she received when others, who should have cared, turned their backs and didn’t want to know. Earlier last year, she spoke about how someone becomes a believer but didn’t take the step at that time. However, as Christmas approached, she asked how she could be involved and came to our multilingual service in the capital. During which she said she was ready to follow and we had the opportunity to pry with her as she became our sister. Shortly after this, she travelled away, where she will remain for a month or so. Pray she is able to meet and be discipled by local believers there and that this time would be a real time of growth… Pray that she will not be led astray to follow old ways and temptations, but that all around her would see the transformation Jesus has brought. Pray for courage to stand firm!”

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