26 octobre 2018


Kay has recently returned to her village after Medical Leave in the UK. “Whilst I am loving being back, its taking a little while to transition – I left rather unexpectedly and rapidly and passed on all my responsibilities to others, so now I am praying and seeking God in what he has for me in returning – how can I best fit back in, what role do, could or should I have (in our team, in the community, in work)? Where can I best spend my time and energy for his glory? Who should I be investing in? I feel the burden that my time here may be short… and I recognise that if I am to return again indefinitely to the UK for my health it will likely bring about the end of my term. I pray that my health will remain stable enough to allow me to continue and finish here well, but I trust that God knows the best timing of our departure. In the meantime, I want to be obedient and make the most of the opportunity he has given me in allowing me to return at present. Pray that I may seize the day and make the most of our remaining time to witness, encourage and build up. Pray that God would lead me to those in my village who are open and ready!”

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