24 février 2017

Karin Mende

After years of preparation Mami, Nina and I could finally accept the invitation to hold a transformational development seminar in Chad… Two organisations collaborated to help us with visas, transport and a place to stay in Chad. 32 women came to spend six days with us. Most of them were pastors’ wives, but others were involved with vulnerable women… During our discussions we learned that many Christians in Chad struggle with mixing different faiths. With the help of many true stories we were able to explain why the Christian God wants to be worshipped as the only God. Spirits, ancestors or other cults cannot take God’s highest place. To end the workshop, the women drew up plans of how to integrate some of the newly-learned concepts into their lives. Some were greatly encouraged to follow Jesus with their whole lives. Mami, Nina and I are truly grateful that we were able to help and encourage others.” Praise God for the workshop and the women who came, and please pray that what they have learned will make a difference in their lives for many years to come. Pray for strength and power to truly follow Jesus alone and forsake all other gods and idols.

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