26 mai 2017

James and Claire Gibson

James and Claire Gibson (Ruby, Jessica & Florence) serve in Kampala, Uganda, James is teaching and discipling veterinary students at Makarere University and works with other partners in sustainable livestock development. Claire is the Senior School Principal of Acacia International School, a Christian school serving local and missionary families. Claire writes: “As the school year hurtles towards it’s close, I am, like many teachers, feeling the strain of what must be finished in the time that’s left. In addition to school work and my studies (I am currently studying for my NPQH -National Professional Qualification in Headship), I have had a bad bout of intestinal infections which have left me below par and still not quite right.” Please pray for Claire’s health and for the family as she travels back to the UK earlier to facilitate some of her studies. Pray for the Final year students (that James works with) as they finish their degrees and for the IGCSE students sitting their exams at Acacia School.

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