12 avril 2019

James & Claire Gibson

“Claire and I were fortunate enough to attend the wedding of an ex-student of mine, Dr Michael Kiragga, which I wrote about previously. At Christmas time Michael opened his own practice and Emily and I have been helping him in this process, giving him ideas for layout, equipment, client communications, pricing and other tips. Michael is a devout Christian and I have seen him develop professionally and spiritually. In addition to providing a professional, caring service to his clients, he has a heart to use veterinary medicine to reach out to communities in Uganda with Christ’s love. A vet friend of Emily’s, Bruce and his wife Julie, came to Uganda recently they were able to help in continuing to mentor Michael. Bruce and I were able to perform some surgeries with Michael and his colleague John (another ex-student) and it was good for Michael to practise some new techniques. Pray for Michael and other Christian vets who want to mentor others and use their skills to help those in need.”  

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