30 août 2019


“Recently, my home church has been going through a sermon series about ‘respectable sins’. I was struck by the sermon on pride. The preacher observed what happened when Jesus talked about who would betray him. Instead of looking around and pointing the finger at others, the disciples asked, “Is it I?” As I take on this team leader role, along with classroom teaching and day-to-day management of the school building, I am so aware of the pride in my own heart. I am not short of opportunities to note my own inadequacy, yet I also see the temptation to try and cover it up or cast attention elsewhere. I share this because my heart’s desire is that the opportunity I have been given to lead this year will also be an opportunity to grow in humility. That, like the disciples, I will look at myself and ask, “Is it I?” and grow in my reliance on the Lord. So, out of everything I will ask for prayer for this year, becoming a humble, confident leader who is sensitive to the Spirit’s leading is number one. Thank you for praying!”

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