3 février 2017

Donna Morrison

Donna is coming to the end of her time serving with AIM, after seeing the Finance department of Dwelling Places growing while she was on Home Assignment last year, and discerning God’s call for her to return to the UK. “I count myself hugely privileged to have served these last three years with AIM. I have learnt so much and been challenged and inspired in countless ways. I am leaving AIM as a full-time long-term member for now, but I can’t imagine the contact and connections ceasing… Lots of people have been asking me ‘what next?’ The short answer is ‘I’m not sure!’ I still have two months left as an AIM member, during which time I will be doing a short Home Assignment and hopefully have time for debriefs and a retreat of some sort. After that, I really am not sure. I am sensing a change in direction and trying doors prayerfully… It really is a journey of faith and my prayer is that I will keep focussed on the Lord so that I may follow him where he leads.” Please pray for a good transition back to life in the UK for Donna, and for guidance in discerning where God wants her to serve him next.

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