3 avril 2020

Diaspora Ministry in the UK

Diaspora ministry in the UK has also been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. “In this electronic age, we are watching the worldwide spread of a virus. Over the past two weeks here in the UK, public gatherings have been suspended; schools and churches are no longer meeting on location, and non-essential businesses have been closed. The UK government is communicating via daily press conferences centred on the message “Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.” Government directives include only going out for essential food, health reasons or work; one form of exercise a day; keep two metres away from others; no group gatherings of people. We, together with you, are reminded how quickly life can change… This past Saturday, a doctor from our church contacted me asking if the International Women’s Sewing Group would be able to help. Like in so many places, personal protective equipment is lacking here. The doctor wondered if we could make washable face masks for use in the waiting area of their office. Thanks to WhatsApp, our sewing helpers were sharing ideas and making prototypes by the end of the weekend. The sewing team is hoping to have 50 masks made by the end of this week. We pray that these practical ways of helping the community will demonstrate Christ’s love in action.”

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