7 août 2020

Barry & Heather Mann

Barry & Heather are currently in the UK on long-term Medical Leave, but are working remotely. “[Since our visit to Lesotho in February] We have been back in the routine of working from home, supporting the Growing Nations team remotely, overseeing finances, policies, preparing funding proposals and the like… Heather has taken on an additional role, overseeing the finances of AIM’s Southern Region and she has been busy reviewing existing financial processes and starting to enhance them where necessary. Barry, along with others, has been helping our home church put together worship videos for their online weekly services…The biggest challenge is that things can become a little draining, as there is no division between the different aspects of life, as everything is carried out in the same way, in the same place… please pray for ourselves and the many others in AIM who find themselves working remotely that we may all be effective in our ministry, are able to work efficiently from home, have the ability to balance our time and remain open to God’s leading.”

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