1 novembre 2019

Annemarie Boks

 “My main ministry is the organisation of a workshop about HIV for church leaders. ‘Channels of Hope’ is the title of this workshop… in Congo people who are living with HIV and willing to give a testimony are difficult to find… men and women living with HIV are afraid of being stigmatised, or worse, discriminated against. To have pastors speak up against this is one of the aims of the workshop. In the end we’d like them to go home with tools that they can use to teach about HIV and AIDS in their churches, and to assist people living with HIV… I plan to organise this workshop in all 11 church districts of CECA and in several other places where CECA has an outreach ministry. Please pray for the organisation of more workshops; one will take place in Aru on 11th-14th November, another at the Bible Institute in Adi on 28th-30th November.”

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