10 mars 2017

Andrew Wallace

We have continued showing the Jesus film in the Didinga language (which is close to Laarim) in the villages and it is helping many people grasp the idea that Jesus was a real person who lived on earth… We are also working towards an Easter week of teaching. We plan to have an evening gathering every day from Sunday 9th April through Sunday 16th April where we will follow the last week of Jesus’ life as recorded across the Gospels. Hopefully this will help the people to engage with the wonderful heart of God’s salvation story. All our Yei-based missionaries are taking part in leading the different stories and I am working with the children to put some new Easter-themed songs together. The song about Jesus climbing on a donkey and riding into Jerusalem is already being sung daily around the villages. We are currently teaching the stories at our Sunday gatherings to familiarise the people with them ahead of the Easter week itself.” Please pray for the Easter week of teaching, and the preparation that is going into it, that God would use it powerfully to bring many Laarim to faith.

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