5 octobre 2018

Amos Kennedy

Amos Kennedy is a short term missionary serving among the Gabra in Dukana, Kenya. “I’ve been teaching Christian Religious Education in Dukana Boys’ Secondary School, which is an open opportunity to share the gospel with the boys in my classes. The curriculum involves reading sections of scripture with a loose basis for what you teach on after. Recently we’ve been going through Jeremiah, Jesus’ purpose in coming to earth and basics like what being a Christian really looks like, who God is and who we confess our sins to. When I’m not teaching I help out practically around the mission station – tinkering at Land Rovers, finishing up a new guesthouse, making a water tower for another village… Please pray that the boys in my classes would understand the scriptures for themselves, and that God would open their hearts to him through the reading and preaching of his word in class. Pray that we would see change in the school as a result.”

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