6 mars 2020

Alan & Pauline Jordan

“Pauline was asked to be Principal of the new AIC Primary School but as she is not Kenyan-registered she turned it down, so instead she was asked to be the Administrator, which in effect is the same job. With the years of experience she has had working at primary schools in the UK she is able to draw on all the training she received. The school has increased in numbers to 28 children aged 3-8. It’s a job with many challenges: a new Kenyan curriculum, two teachers, no teaching resources, not enough tables and chairs, a disabled child, buying fire wood to cook lunch and a deficit! But she loves it and faces every day with whatever comes her way. Please pray for Pauline as she begins to establish her new role as Administrator at the AIC Marsabit Academy, organising the new Kenyan curriculum, schemes of work, resources, teachers and completion of the buildings, plus a bit of teaching; but most of all surrounding the children in a Christian environment.”

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