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Jurgen and Katja Hofmann

Vanya, Issa, Abbey, Dani and Simeon

Sent from Evangelische Gemeente ‘De Ambassade’

The Hofmann family have lived among the Tanala people of Madagascar since 2015. They began their ministry by studying the local dialect and culture so they can communicate the gospel in the heart language of the people. They have already translated 40 Bible stories in Tanala language. They are now using these stories to tell the gospel from village to village, and are working on translating the books of Luke and Acts.

It is the Hofmanns’ passion to tell the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard; to give them the chance to believe and be saved; to see lives – a country – transformed.

The Tanala are among the least reached people groups and are eager to hear the gospel. On the most recent survey the elders of a village expressed: ‘If the Bible is good news our people need to hear it!’ And then: ‘When will you come?’

Could you partner with the Hofmanns in this work?

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