Donate to Ruth Mahood

Ruth Mahood

Sent from St Peter’s Free Church, Dundee

Ruth serves as a counsellor with AIM Care at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi. Tumaini is a Swahili word meaning “hope”.

In 2019 Ruth began studying for a qualification in counselling. God gave Ruth a vision to use counselling to support missionaries to thrive where God has called them.

In a cross-cultural setting, there’s great potential for isolation, heightened stress, and emotional overload. Good member care can make the difference between flourishing and merely coping on the mission field, between retiring strong and retiring bitter or disillusioned, between a whole career and a single term. AIM Care’s mission is to provide preventative and restorative mental health services and pastoral care to enhance missionary resilience and fruitfulness.

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