Donna Morrison

Sent from Martin’s Memorial Church of Scotland, Stornoway

Donna worked in the finance office of Dwelling Places, a Ugandan Christian NGO. Dwelling Places is an organisation dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, reconciliation and resettlement of street children in Uganda. The vision and heart of the organisation captivated her on her first visit in 2011. Since then, Donna’s passion and burden for the work increased to the point where she felt that God was calling her to serve full-time.

Donna is a qualified chartered public sector accountant and believes strongly that stewarding God’s resources well is an act of worship before him. Through her training she has been grounded in the importance of good financial management and Donna believes it is an essential behind-the-scenes function that enables organisations to progress and fulfil their God given mandates.

She finished serving with AIM in March 2017.

Latest Prayer News


80% of Uganda is engaged in agriculture. The healthy economy of the 1960s was crippled in 1972 by the expulsion of the Asian business community, and then virtually destroyed by tyranny and wars. It has steadily improved since 1992. Under previous government regimes there were restrictions on persecuted Christians, but there is now freedom of religion. LEARN MORE

Children & Youth

In sharing the gospel with children & young people our hope is to develop disciple making disciples – to demonstrate God’s immeasurable love for children and to offer them the reassurance and peace that a relationship with him can bring. LEARN MORE
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