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Beth* is embracing the incredible opportunity to share the love of Jesus with many individuals in a culturally rich yet sensitive area of Africa, all while deepening her understanding of the local language.

Beth gets to meet and interact in English with a wide range of different people: young and old, students and professionals. As a woman she has many wonderful opportunities to share with other women of the wonderful hope she has in Jesus and some have even accepted copies of the Word to read for themselves. God is growing his church!

Could you partner with Beth in this work? 

*name has been changed for security reasons

Latest Prayer News

Creative Access

We use ‘Creative Access’ to refer to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ. In North Africa alone, 200 million people from 472 unreached people groups are unreached with the gospel. That’s 200 million people unknowingly heading for a Christ-less eternity. LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE
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