Articles & Stories

Literacy among the Laarim

One major challenge in sharing the gospel among the unreached Laarim is that less than 1% of people are literate – they simply haven’t been given the chance to learn.

A harvest in the mountains

The Extreme TIMO team has been in the mountains of Lesotho for over 18 months. It has been a tough time, with little visible fruit, but that has started to change. Team leader Sam Williamson shares the latest exciting news.

Transformational Development in Madagascar

Karin Mende shares about transformational development in Madagascar. An approach to sustainable development that emphasises people’s God-given talents.

Making progress among the Lesotho shepherds

Nineteen months in and our team look, speak, live and even sometimes think like the most ostracised and impoverished people in Lesotho - The Balisana (shepherds).

Short Term: Reaching the Karimojong

The Karimojong are a people who have been marginalised, waiting to hear of the hope we have, and of their true value in Christ.

Short Term: Following God’s path

Tanya* sold her house and packed up her UK life to spend a year in DR Congo, joining long term missionary Annemarie Boks in a town called Adi, 69 km away from the Ugandan border.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.