Articles & Stories

Shaping lives

Gordon and Grace McCullough worked in Uganda between 1967 and 1997. Initially teaching for two years and then later serving as AIM missionaries for thirteen years.

A most exciting time…

In 1971 Katie MacKinnon went to Kenya. Later the same year, national church leaders took over the running of the Africa Inland Church from the Africa Inland Mission. This marked a transition for AIM and acknowledged the growth of the African church.

The seed of the word

In 1964 the newly independent government of Kenya allowed Earl and Esther Andersen to move to Marsabit to open ministry among the Rendille.

Life out of death

Writing in 1917, Mabel S Grimes set out to give a fuller picture to the British public of how God was at work in Africa, and the ways in which AIM were serving his purposes. 

Graciously led

“You shall remember all the way the Lord your God has led you.” Deuteronomy 8:2. Rosemary Molyneux shares her memories from her time in Kenya. 

To boldly share

A former TIMO team member serving in Chad shares what is it like to live there and share the gospel with those around her. 

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.