Articles & Stories

A foundation of friendship

Tim and Beth Wood work at the Sofala Bible Institute in Beira, Mozambique, and have a passion for encouraging both strong churches and godly families.

Talking about truth

Two of our workers who live in a creative access nation talk about the impact Ramadan had on opportunities to talk about about the gospel

Sharing treasure with the Gabbra

Eddie & Rachel Andersen live and work among the Gabbra in northern Kenya with their six children, focusing on church planting and discipleship

Why bother with community development?

Barry Mann tells us about what makes community development important and how it makes a difference, and the central role the Bible plays at Growing Nations.

Introducing the Heaton Family

Katie and Jamie grew up in Mozambique, and have recently moved to live in the UK for the first time. We asked them how they were finding it so far...

Life on an Indian Ocean island

We asked Amelia what’s it’s like to live on an Indian Ocean island and to seek to share the gospel there.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.