Articles & Stories

Do they know it’s Christmas?

Going from store to store Christmas shopping it’s inevitable that at some point you’ll hear the Band Aid track ‘Do they know it’s Christmas?’ blaring out. Released originally in 1984 to raise funds for anti-famine charities in Ethiopia, the track was re-released in 1989, 2004 and most recently (with slightly altered words) in 2014 amidst the Ebola crisis in western Africa.

Bible storytelling among the Laarim

The Laarim Focus team tell us about how they plan to share the gospel through Bible storytelling, and how this has initially been received by the Laarim.

What are the Zigua people like?

Jeremy & Leah Krahn share something of what it’s like for children and young people to grow up among the Zigua culture.

Reaching the Digo

Recently a group of Questers went out to serve among the Digo in Kenya. We asked one couple how they found the experience.

Short Term: Excited by the gospel

Tom Strachan is considering whether God is calling him into long term mission. He shares his thoughts after his first two weeks in Musanze, Rwanda.

Training teachers in Tanzania

Team members from a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team based on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania tell us about their experiences.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.