Articles & Stories

How do you share the gospel on an Indian Ocean island?

Kay lives and works in a remote village on an Indian Ocean Island, seeking to share the gospel through her healthcare work.

Challenges & encouragements from Kenya

Peter & Katy Wilson both work at Titchie Swot, Rift Valley Academy’s Elementary School in Kenya. They tell us about the different challenges and encouragements they see in the Kenyan Church.

The Mwani of Mozambique: People of faith & fear

The Mwani are a Muslim people who live and fish off the sandy, coconut palm clad shores of northern Mozambique. They are still unreached with the gospel.

Who are the Amhara?

The Amhara people live in the northern and western highlands of Ethiopia, following a lifestyle that has not changed for thousands of years.

How are we reaching the unreached in Chad?

Chad boasts 140 people groups, 73 of which are still considered unreached. Here we explain how we're seeking to reach them.

How do you prepare for mission?

New member Amelia* shares about her interest in mission and about how she is preparing, spiritually, financially and emotionally to serve.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.