Articles & Stories

De l’Éthiopie à la Belgique

Kevin et Els, avec leurs quatre enfants, sont des missionnaires belges au service de la diaspora africaine dans leur pays d'origine. Ils nous parlent ici de leur parcours dans ce travail et des opportunités qui s'offrent à nous tous.

My biggest praise

Political instability in Africa has meant that South Africa is one of the countries where many refugees go. Zara* works with a community from East Africa where most women do not speak English, yet their children go to the local schools. 

Showing hope amidst despair

We’ve all seen the pictures; desperate families walking away from destroyed homes, little children being carefully passed over barbed-wire fences, dangerously overcrowded boats arriving on European shores. AIM missionary, Jonathan, and local partner, Pedro, talk about how they are seeking to share hope with these displaced peoples. 

Joining the team

Sally* joined AIM’s Community Outreach team which partnered with Derek and Claire’s* church to support and encourage them in reaching out to their local, multicultural community.  

Adding value

Chris Power, from AIM’s Southern Region office, talks about the opportunities available for short term mission teams that consider how caring for the environment fits in with mission. 

Carrots in the desert

Maureen Nyambura is about to join the LEAP team, a three month short term team for people interested in going into long term mission, to be trained and equipped in farming, disciple making, and being on a cross cultural team. She shares about her experience using Farming God’s Way.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.