Articles & Stories

“Jesus speaks Turkana!”

“Jesus speaks Turkana!” exclaimed a woman while watching the Jesus Film in a mostly Turkana area of Maralal, Kenya.

Lessons in sharing faith

We asked Amelia to share what she has learnt about sharing her faith over the 13 years she has lived on an island in the Indian Ocean, and how important it is to understand other people's faith before sharing your own.

Whole health

Our living and working environments, our background and beliefs, and our mental health and physical health are all intertwined.

Challenge and Change

We have a significant shortage of healthcare providers, as 51% of doctors born and trained in Kenya work abroad. 40 of the 47 counties have less than 1 doctor to 10,000 compared to the recommended ratio of 1:1000.

A medical bill away from bankruptcy

As healthcare providers we continue to serve and share Christ’s love whilst always longing for the day when there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.

Why do we suffer?

We are surrounded by pain, and the only condition for suffering it is to live long enough to experience it. Suffering is one of the most consistent themes of the Bible. We live in a fallen, broken, bleeding world.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.